Abbye Hendryx

What was life like before you met Jesus?

I grew up knowing about Jesus, I went to church on Sundays and attended Sunday school and church camp. Once I got into Middle School, life got busy, and my faith was not a priority, nor looking back was it ever. In High School, I was doing some reading and some bible studies, but again, my faith wasn’t a priority. I was still giving in to the temptations that come with being a High Schooler, and I truly was spiritually blind. Before I met Jesus, I followed the ways of the world. I was making choices that were for me and not thinking about the consequences they would bring. I felt empty inside. I was pursuing relationships I shouldn’t have been in, and I was turning to things that were easy to have. I felt unhappy, irritable, angry, and anxious. I had lost so many people in the span of 4 years, and I couldn’t come to terms with how someone so good and powerful could take away some amazing people.

How did you meet Jesus?

I met Jesus at a point in my life where I felt so trapped in an emotional void. I was depressed, and anxiety was taking over my life. Although I had my mom through it all, I knew I needed more. I knew for myself I had to choose to either follow God or the world. I made the choice to follow God and trust that he could bring happiness back into my life to get me out of such a deep hole. A little over a year ago, I started reading my bible again and getting that relationship back with God. Through God's Word, I started to feel happy and feel myself again. It was in those moments I realized how important God is in my life and how important it is to surround myself with those who love him just as much as I do. I started going to church, and I met some amazing people. These people graciously answered my questions and helped me connect with others who have impacted my journey in so many positive ways. Without them, I wouldn’t be standing here today. It was hard for me to trust the lord with everything I was thinking about and the struggles I was having with my mental health. The verse that helped me have an open mind was Romans 8:38-39 which says, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God is greater than the highs and lows you go through in life. I would turn to this verse at my lowest points because it’s a great reminder that no matter how low life can feel, God will get me through it all.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

Life after being saved by Jesus is the greatest feeling I will ever experience. Christ met me at my low and helped me see again. It was almost as if the fog in my life had cleared up, and I could clearly see the purpose of living my life for Jesus. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Being able to trust in God through my lows and submitting myself to him gives me so much peace and comfort in living the rest of my life on earth.

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