
Sending everyday missionaries


Get Involved Locally

Our focus on local missions equips people to live as everyday missionaries, spreading the gospel through their roles as employees, parents, students, neighbors, and friends.

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Resourcing our community

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Catalyze local ministries

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Orphan Care

Adoption and Foster Care Support

Get Involved

There are over 400 major universities across North America. Through the Salt Network, we pray we will see a thriving church and college ministry established in all of these major university centers. The Salt Network is working to see churches planted, communities strengthened, and Gospel witness extended to the ends of the earth. In particular, we strategically partner to plant churches in global university centers.

The Salt Network

Get Involved Globally

We strategically work to impact communities through strengthening existing churches in under-resourced countries and planting churches in global university centers.


  • Join Veritas Global Prayer on the third Sunday of every month.
  • Set an alarm for 10:02 am/pm and pray through Luke 10:2 asking that God would raise up people to be sent.
  • Sign up to receive prayer updates and pray for the teams serving overseas.
Sign Up


  • Give faithfully to Veritas Church.
  • Financially support The Salt Company summer team.
  • Financially partner with members of the church planting teams serving overseas

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  • Enjoy lunch or dinner with an international co-worker, classmate, or neighbor to get to know them.
  • Talk to your employer about welcoming international visitors.
  • Learn about opportunities to welcome international students, refugees, or asylum seekers in our community.

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  • Take the Everyday Missionaries or Living as a Global Christian class at Veritas when offered.
  • Learn about and pray for the world’s most unreached people groups on the website
  • Read a book on missions from the Veritas Resource Center.

Joshua Project Books


  • Invite your community to pray with you and discuss how to grow in maturity towards going on a short-term trip or long-term global residency.
  • Express interest in exploring next steps in going

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College Student Opportunity

Experience a Summer of Purpose

Salt Summer Teams offer you the chance to make an eternal impact by bringing the gospel to people overseas. Partner with long-term missionaries, share Christ, and grow in your faith as you join God's mission to the nations.

Start Your Journey

Upcoming Events

27 OCT

Living as a Global Christian

08:00 AM | Connect Room - Cedar Rapids - Cedar Rapids
17 NOV

Global Prayer

11:00 AM | Connect Room - Cedar Rapids
28 FEB

Engage Global

08:00 AM | Twin Cities

Sending Staff

Our dedicated sending staff is committed to helping people grow in being an everyday missionary locally, and globally. Meet the passionate team who make it all possible.

See Who We Are

Jordan Wright

Other Environments
